UAE to Decriminalise Premarital Relationships and Pregnancies

Things are changing in the Emirates

The UAE has got its new year resolutions on lock as the country is making a new push that seems to be quite straightforward. Effective from January 2, 2022, a new criminal code will be in place marking major changes for everyone in the country.

Starting from then, sex and pregnancy laws will be modified as well as 40 other more measures that will also be amended. It is the largest legislative reform in the UAE’s history. Some of the statements include promises that under the new set of bills, parents will no longer be required to be married to conceive a child.

“Any couple conceiving a child out of wedlock will be required to marry or singly or jointly acknowledge the child and provide identification papers and travel documents in accordance with the laws of the country of which either is a national,” the statement read.

Although the measures concern expats and foreigners only, this easing of restrictions comes as no real surprise. With their Saudi neighbours opening up more and more to be in line with their 2030 vision, the Emirates are also clearly embarking on a similar wave of change. As this move can be deemed as quite progressive, the UAE is going through a serious transition that is surely going to be the deciding factor of which path they will be taking in the next decade.

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