UAE Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

Happy Birthday !

December 1 marked the 50 years since the founding of the United Arab Emirates, and as expected, the young Gulf nation celebrated in a big way.


With a breathtaking spectacle of fireworks, theatrical live shows, both public and private sectors were given several days off in order to enjoy this national day of patriotism and belonging. This special milestone was followed across the globe with several international figures taking it to social media to blow the candles side by side with the UAE.

It’s been quite a journey since the country established itself in the early 1970s. From their humble beginnings to quickly becoming one of the world’s global capitals of culture, fashion, business and more, the UAE has stepped up rapidly and grown into the key and catalysing actor it has always dreamed of becoming.

Always thinking of which step to take next, the emirate is preparing its future by acknowledging the past while still living in the present. The diversification of their economy coupled with its gradual opening to the rest of the world has made them recognised as one of the most appealing places to visit and live in. Small by the size but great by the talent, this celebration of the past 50 years was grandiose making us all look forward to what the next 50 will have in store for us, them as well as the global community.

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