dara hamarneh

Dara Hamarneh is Shaking Up the High-End Accessory Industry

From Jordan to your wardrobe

dara hamarneh

Dara Hamarneh is a new ethically conscious brand that is set to make waves in the fashion world. With roots in Florence, London and Amman, the eponymous brand which was founded in 2019, seeks to create a curated selection of handbags for every woman’s wardrobe. Through extensive use of colour and unique sculptural designs, from shapes to curves, Hamarneh’s take on leather goods is bold yet sophisticated.


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Une publication partagée par Dara Hamarneh (@darahamarneh)

Every piece is thought out to be as sustainable as it can be. From the beginning to the end of the manufacturing process, each item follows a rigorously strict set of regulations. 

The handbags are fully sourced and manufactured in Italy. It is also worth noting that the factory works in accordance with Italian labour laws while employees are paid at Italian standards. Although this might seem natural and obvious to many, these practices are unfortunately not, and need to be praised whenever they are abided by. 

“Every color and style is made with the intention of something that will last, and something that can stand the test of time. I am so proud to be a part of the growing industry here in the Middle East, and it is not an easy task to try to compete at an international level,” the designer commented in a statement.

Through this educational approach to fashion, Hamarneh’s cross-cultural leather products are made to fit any given situation without having to compromise on your ethics. Aiming at being a pivotal figure in the global textile industry, the Jordanian designer is slowly reaching that status through pieces powerfully created to send a responsible message to its consumers. Lush and refreshing, the young brand is slowly making a name for itself and reaching new spheres. Whether it’s for the fashion or the ethical elements, there’s something for everybody in Hamarneh’s detailed collections.

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